The educational bodies represent the academic governance bodies, whose role is to ensure the smooth running of the educational management process and the development of the institution’s academic and scientific activities.
These governance bodies comply with the regulations of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, as well as the quality benchmark of the school and academic partners, grouping together standards and norms to be respected in order to maintain and improve quality. lessons and related scientific activities.
The academic bodies of the establishment are as follows:
- The scientific council: the council intervenes on strategic issues related to the development of teaching activities (training offer) and research.
- Pedagogical advice: the advice is spread over the improvement of management and pedagogical methods at the “operational level” in the study programs. It intervenes to decide on specific cases related to the academic record of certain students. It deals with any irregularity noted in the course of the courses and the pedagogical administration.
- The advisory council: this body is made up of university teachers and professionals from the hotel sector. It aims to bring together actors from the academic fields and those from the socio-economic sector to bring out proposals for renewal and/or reform of the content of study programs to meet the skills needs of the hotel industry.
- The Disciplinary Board: it is responsible for applying the regulations of higher education and the internal rules of the establishment in terms of discipline. The members characterize the disciplinary faults committed by the students and assign the sanctions that correspond to each fault.
- The Quality Assurance (Programme) Committee: The Program Committee is an academic steering body created to support the updating, development and (re)structuring of ESHRA study programs, ensuring the smooth running of the pedagogical approaches and teaching methods necessary to achieve the objectives of the courses, in accordance with the evolution of industry expectations and knowledge in the field of hotels and restaurants. The committee is involved in improving the admissions process and its members ensure that the content of the courses and programs meets the needs of the industry and the evolution of knowledge in the hotel and hospitality and restoration professions.