The hotel business is a passion that I have been living for 6 years now. Oriented towards service and customer satisfaction, my career path is made possible thanks to all the exceptional encounters I had at the beginning of my career. I owe this perseverance to the mentors who believed in me and who saw my weak points as areas for improvement on which we worked together. ESHRA provided me with a solid knowledge base during four memorable years of Bachelor’s degree. This has served me well during two internships and my first permanent position. I think it is important to mention that the role of this curriculum is more human than technical. Personally, my studies at the School have helped me build a strong and confident personality in the field. I am curious to learn every day and to travel continuously. Meeting diverse individuals with different backgrounds enriches and humbles you. Also, understanding people is an asset that – in this industry especially – lifts you up and makes you grow. Today, my vision is to shift my career path to the sales and marketing department in luxury hotels. My goal is to become familiar with the hotel market in Qatar and more globally in the EMEA region, to reach the desired scores and to generate profit during the 2022 World Cup. It is in this image that I encourage any young enthusiast to pursue their dream, overcoming their obstacles with perseverance and consistency. It is also worth remembering that this profession is marked by all the moments that we live and remember. As the W brand motto says, “If you’re not having fun, you’re doing it wrong”.

SIRINE AMRIex-student of the 03 class

Eshra has been a source of learning for me both academically and professionally as well as personally, it has made me grow and I have been able to be the confident, professional, resourceful and responsible person, I have met unforgettable people and some have become lifelong friends, I do not regret being part of Eshra and I came out of it with nothing but positives, no matter what ups and downs I went through but everything was good to take! I am continuing my career in Dubai with great prospects, in the largest hotel chain Marriott

AOUDIA FARAH MAHAformer student of the 01 class

My name is Yamani Ameur of the ESHRA class 3 since 2016, I am currently the Chief Audit Executive (CAE) of the subsidiary EGT Ghardaïa of the HTT group in Algeria, my career path has accelerated thanks to the training I had at ESHRA and the internships I completed in Thailand and Dubai, ESHRA has also allowed me to expand my hotel network that always brings me job offers both nationally and internationally

YAMANI AMEURex-student of the 03 class